Story and Drawings: Alessandro “Ganassa” Mazzetti
Main Characters: Dexter & Nirhel
WARNING!Adult content, recommended for mature audiences
“Here’s the story of Dexter and Nirhel: two friends with gaming passion.
They’re both “Grand Fantasy” players, an advanced vr MMORPG with a brand new technology
that enable players to feel their avatar sensations (expecially the touch).
The game presents a bunch of secret features to unlock…
and Nirhel is willing to try them all with his shy friend.
Will Dexter overcome his fears and “level up” with Nirhel in the kinkiest way possible?“
Prima edizione brossurata, 56 pagine in bianco e nero, formato 16,8×24 cm. Lingua Inglese.
Pubblicato e distribuito da Tora Edizioni. © 2023 Tutti i diritti riservati.
First edition paperback, 56 b/w pages, size 16,8×24 cm. English Language.
Published and distributed by Tora Edizioni. © 2023 All rights reserved.